Contact Us
Theresa & Rupert Plummer | ARMF Administrators
ARMF is open to receive applications for funding for pilgrimages from the 1st November for the following year’s pilgrimages. ARMF is consistently making every effort to contact the many pilgrimages offering the opportunity to experience Lourdes.
The strict deadline for all applications (EASTER AND SUMMER) is 1st March annually.
Please see our LATEST NEWS for any further developments
Other useful links
ARMF’s complaints policy please click here
FAQs – guidelines for applicants and referees click here
Charity Commission link
Any changes made by individual pilgrimages depending on the state of Covid-19 are not the responsibility of ARMF. We advise you to directly check in with your pilgrimages regularly. Plus, check national and international government websites for up to date information, guidance and restrictions before you travel. ARMF is a charitable funding body exclusively. Recipients of ARMF funding must take responsibility for their own welfare and continue to follow national and local restrictions with reference to health and safety guidance.